Daily Blog week 1

Marissa Memmo

Going into this digital humanities class I had no idea what we might be learning or for that matter what digital humanities even is. Throughout this week we began to learn a little bit about digital humanities and the basics of it to get a better idea of what we will be learning this semester. Digital humanities as we discussed is study and application of digital technologies in the humanities disciplines. It is a field of study, research, teaching, and invention with the intersection of computing and the disciplines of the humanities. A big deal in the society we live in is social media which makes it easier for workers to advertise. In relation to a recent news story or piece of pop culture, we can connect the basics of digital humanities to understand how technology shaped our understanding of culture. For example, the rise of social media influencers on tik tok. So many influencers have gained a huge amount of popularity and influence through their online presence and engagement with their followers. With a digital humanities point of view, we can analyze the impact of social media platforms on the creation and dissemination of culture. We can also explore how influencers use the many digital tools to create their content, engage with their audience, and make popular trends. What we learned about this week in class made me think of a personal connection to my communications class. In a communications class, I was learning about the theories of communication, public speaking, mass communication, and more. These are important skills that also come into play in digital humanities. In digital humanities class, you see how technology and digital media have impacted communication and society. Both of these classes focus on understanding and utilizing different forms of communication.

Weekly Blog: Week 1

From how I interact with other people on the internet through the many methods I chose either it be through social media, private text or other forms of communication provided through other forms of media I always wanted to know the fundamental basic of what it is to be human on the internet. Either it be adding “soul” and substance through the creations we make or how we influence each other the interactions of man on the internet has drawn me towards a type of learning I would like to pursue and in so doing I took the minor of Digital Humanities to further my understanding of the difference of man in the real world and those who communicate on the world-wide web. I also have a taken interest in Creative Writing which hopefully from what we learn of the many example of digital interaction and the project provided for analysis I hope by the end to vitalize the characteristics of the many example provided to improve my writing capabilities and further my knowledge of character creation through the means of Digital Humanities. I for one cannot wait to dig in the little details and secrets of the many subjects of cultures digitally preserve for future and current analysis!

Blog Post Week 1: My Biggest Takeaways

Saharrah Heidrick

This week, my biggest takeaway was the overall meaning and impact of Digital Humanities. I will focus on three questions that come to mind when looking into digital humanities. How might digital humanities help me succeed in other classes, be relevant to my goals, and help me understand our society? As we discussed in class, digital humanities is what you get when you add tools that manipulate data as ones and zeros to the study of human meaning-making, culture, and history, which is called “the humanities.” Another take on digital humanities is that it combines digital tools and methods with traditional humanities disciplines to conduct research, analyze data, and present scholarly work. It uses computational techniques to expand the study and interpretation of cultural artifacts, literature, history, and other aspects of human culture and society. After reflecting on the importance of this course, I discovered that digital humanities can provide valuable skills such as data analysis, visualization, geographic information systems, digital mapping, and digital storytelling in several ways.

My major is Business Marketing, and digital humanities skills can help me better understand consumer behavior through data analysis. Digital Humanities will help me learn valuable skills for my career by showing how digital platforms are crucial in reaching and understanding target audiences. Learning about digital humanities is essential in learning about digital access. This concludes that more people can review, see, and learn from your project. Thus, it is possible to search the data more efficiently, combine different data sources, hyperlink to relevant materials, etc. Digital Humanities will help me better understand society by delving into historical artifacts and information and finding the importance and impact of it. Through this process, we can uncover new information and findings while reflecting/dissecting completed research. Throughout this course, I will better understand historical findings, research decisions, and thought processes behind these projects.



Kaplan, F. (2015). A map for big data research in digital humanities. Frontiers in Digital Humanities, May 06, 2015. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fdigh.2015.00001

