Week 5 blog Sean Powell

This week of Digital Humanities learning has been a eventful one. Overall learning and applying the process of mapping metadata has been proven a mostly simplistic process for my entrees that contain either a location or address. Going back into my two folders that I catalogue I simply just read off either the location or address present on the item and plug it into a mapping software of my choice (being the maps app on my iPhone) With this extra step of metadata catalogue I can deepen my understanding of a given object’s history either it be located on campus or as faraway as San Francisco, California. Also from this learning experience I found that most of my id inputs for Joyce Morrows have accidently been labeled as Murrows with a u after the M so thanks to this lesson I can update my entries accordingly. Whoops.

Week 2: Sean Powell

For this weeks activity of collecting and publishing metadate I learned a lot in terms of what to expect when it comes to working on and complete our scrapbook project. At first the process of metadata cataloging seemed daunting at first with all of the needed information but after a quick explanation and analysis of the two intro videos and metadata attributes requirements listed on Omeka (publisher, creator, description, format, etc…) I found the process easily done and memorable which will come in handing for any upcoming metadata gathering. I for one am very interested in digging deep into the objects provided so I can effectively give credit while also learning about the history of the object I chose to catalogue. Hopefully from using Omeka and from what I do on the upcoming scrapbook page I can learn a overall theming of history from item to item and gather some sort of overall message brought upon all the items provided in the library and potentially uses this type of theming in the future writing I plan on making.

Weekly Blog: Week 1

From how I interact with other people on the internet through the many methods I chose either it be through social media, private text or other forms of communication provided through other forms of media I always wanted to know the fundamental basic of what it is to be human on the internet. Either it be adding “soul” and substance through the creations we make or how we influence each other the interactions of man on the internet has drawn me towards a type of learning I would like to pursue and in so doing I took the minor of Digital Humanities to further my understanding of the difference of man in the real world and those who communicate on the world-wide web. I also have a taken interest in Creative Writing which hopefully from what we learn of the many example of digital interaction and the project provided for analysis I hope by the end to vitalize the characteristics of the many example provided to improve my writing capabilities and further my knowledge of character creation through the means of Digital Humanities. I for one cannot wait to dig in the little details and secrets of the many subjects of cultures digitally preserve for future and current analysis!
